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X The Wheel of Fortune

Revolution, Repetition

Essential Meanings


Circulatory, Fate, Flux, Cycles, Change, Possibilities, Opportunities, Destiny, Fortune, Karma, Randomness, Development, Activity, Expansion, Kismet, Alternating, Outside Fores, Reap What You Sow.





An ancient symbol of the passing of time and the ebbs and flows of fate, the Wheel of Fortune also marks a shift in the Major Arcana.

The Wheel of fortune symbol is older than any Tarot deck. It can be found in medieval manuscripts and upon the walls of ancient European churches. The allegory of the revolving Wheel reflects how power is ephemeral and that what has been gained can easily disappear. The Wheel teaches us that all things in the world are transiroty - happiness or sadness, success or failure. As the Wheel of Fortune turns, the fates of the people attached to it rise and fall.
The Wheel of Fortune represents the incessant flow of time. Its revolutions mark cycles, events and continuity. The card also signifies a transitional shift in the Major Arcana. Cards that comes after the Wheel (numbered 10 in the Tarot deck) change from representing personality types to symbolising forces that we experience, On one level, the Wheel represents a change in luck for the better, while on a deeper level, it reminds us to cultivate what lies within us.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Sphynx

Represents the 'fateful' force of the unconscious and perpetual change.

  • Letters

The letters 'T','A', 'R' and 'O' can be read as TARO (tarot), TORA (truth) or ROTA (wheel).

  • Hebrew Letters

Four Hebrew letters from the Tetragrammaton (name of God) - 'Yod', 'Heh', 'Vau', and 'Heh'.

  • Wheel & Symbols

The symbols for Mercury, Sulphur, Salt and Water (Aquarius) can be seen. The Wheel itself indicates the cyclical nature of fate and fortune.

  • The Snake

Embodies destruction and symbolises the balance of creative and destructive forces.

  • Anubis

Anubis, the Egyptian God of the dead, indicates the mastery of fate over death and of death over fortune.

  • Figures

The Tetramorph, are guardians of the four directions and defenders against chaos.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Wheel would communicate to you if he were able to express himself in words:

'I am the eternal force of time, causing solar systems, stars and suns to turn in endless revolution and expansion. I am the flowing nature of life. Like tidal currents and seasonal changes, you will sometimes ride high and other times feel low. The only way to maintain equilibrium is to reman centered in my middle. I am you in the throes of destiny.'


Usually shown surrounded by symbols of the four Evangelists, the Wheel of Fortune symbolises the ascending and descending fortunes that we all experience in life.

  • Visconti-Sforza The scrolls that are depicted on this card read "Regnabo, Regno, Regnavi, Sum sine regno", which translates as, "I shall reign, I am reigning, I have reigned and I am without reign."

  • Marseille The Marseille card features grotesque creatures perched on the Wheel - but the person who spins the wheel is mysteriously absent.

  • Pictorial Key This card is packed with occult symbolism. The Wheel itself contains the word "Taro", which could also be read as "Rota", meaning "royal road". Four Hebrew letters represent the name of God, while the four suits of Tarot and the elements are symbolised in the four corners.


The Arcana of the Wheel teaches you to adapt to the role that fate has offered you. It allows you to change your luck, influence your future and alter your future.

Thelema Affirmation

What do you see while the wheel spins? Where does it begin, where does it end?

Harmonious Teachings

Unexpected events, new beginnings, realisation, success, progress, improvement. The Wheel tells the Querent that the time is right to persevere in achieving his or her goals.

Alternative Names

The Wheel, the Wheel of Fate.

Card Reversals

The Wheel is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).

  • Upright

The beginning of a cycle, the call of destiny. A reminder of life's ups and downs. Changing fortune, passing time. Nothing lasts forever. Karmic destiny. External forces. UNforseen events.

  • Reversed

Blockages in energy. A run of bad luck. Something must be removed. Disruption of natural cycle.

Marseille Keywords

Luck, change, the end of a cycle


Nobody can escape the laws of eternal evolution.

The end of a cycle, fate, fortune, success, risks, the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Read up on the Providence, Kismet, Divine Will, Karma, Fate, Fortuna, and Bhavacakra.

ViceVersa (Back)

The Wheel itself is the same, with its symbols of esoteric wisdom and secrets. The Magician is a master of these mysteries, but he does not master the Wheel and cannot control destiny. The Magician's message is that you are a soul on an earthly journey and have chosen to ride the Wheel. Use your will in a positive way to influence events and circumstances to make the most of that ride. Study the mysteries, which sparkle as points of light in the dark of night.

ViceVersa (Front)

The Wheel cannot be halted in its timeless turning - as soon as you are born, you are on the Wheel. The two sides of this card show two ways of looking at this unalterable fact. The front represents the great mysteries of the Wheel, which can be pondered for a lifetime - or many lifetimes - and still never be fully comprehended. The Sphinx guards the secrets of destiny. Acceptance of this brings peace while struggling to understand what is beyond mortal understanding brings despair.

Universal Celtic

Destiny plays strange tricks. The poet Gwion has tasted the liquid in the cauldron and acquired magical powers, prompting the angry goddess Ceridwen to chase him, who ends up as a corn seed. As a hen, the goddess pecks up the seed, and falls pregnant and from this wheel of pursuits and magic, the poet Taliesin is born.

John Bauer

A cloaked figure stretches its arms out. A ring of creatures surrounds it, in what looks like a sermon or a meditation. Understand the position you are in, destiny, karma, and adaptation to cycles.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Wheel in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Life revolves around love, which brings sorrow and joy. If you concentrate on achieving peace, love will naturally follow.

Work: Success will come as a result of taking the initiative, bringing good luck and the seeds of change. Embrace the new.

Money: Spread our investments around so tat if one thing goes wrong, others may fare better.


Answer: Luck does not take virtue into account, but every achievement is less precarious if it has solid foundations.

Tip: Good fortune is the reward for being brave and behaving in a courageous manner.

Timing: The cards has closed. You must complete the cycle.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: Every failure breeds success and vice versa.

Meditation: Stay focused on the Wheel, so no matter where, how or why it spins, you will maintain balance and poise.

Spirituality: Spiritual energies can be moved and directed in any direction, ut first you must put them together in the centre of yourself.

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