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VII The Chariot

Triumph, Arrogance

Essential Meanings


Progress, Dedication, Commitment, Victory, Energy, Confidence, Discipline, Success, Bravery, Assertion, Willpower, Pride, Command, Action, Travel, Warrior, Greatness, Movement, Conquest, Ambition, Direction





A symbol of forward movement and positive action, the presence of the Chariot in a Tarot reading suggests a need to take control of a situation.

Numbered VII in the Major Arcana, the Chariot represents an individual reaching and enjoying success due to his or her own labours and ingenuity. As its name suggests, the Chariot indicates a sense of forward motion.

The Chariot urges you to take the reins of a situation, to guide your will and actions - and sometimes even those of others - towards a direction or goal. It represents a prson who knows what they want an hw to get it, someone who is dynamic, strong-willed, resourceful, self-confident, adventurous and aggressive.

The horses and sphinxes that draw the Chariot repredent outside influenes. These may be, for example, the people who have influeced the individual indicated by the card. Strength will be used to overcome all obstacles and to pass through any barriers standing in the way.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Curtains

Stars decorate the curtains around the charioteer, protecting and watching over him.

  • Crown

This indicates a sense of spiritual dignity.

  • Armour

Engraved with the alchemical symbols representing solar and lunar power, this indicates the strength of the charioteer.

  • Walled City

This signifies that the charioteer's power is limited to the earthly realm.

  • Winged Solar Disc & Shield

These represent the balance of yin and yang, as well as inner drive.

  • Sphinxes

Two opposing forces of direction, both under the rule of the charioteer but driving him forward into the unknown.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Chariot would communicate to you if he were able to express himself in words:

'I am the essence of knowing what you want and reaching out for it. My strength in the motion, action and activity powering you to the places you want to go. Chart your course and begin your journey. Do not allow me to laguish. Take action in your life and I will be your wheels, road and engine. You steer the course and I will provide you with the required energy. You are unstoppable. You know what must be done.'


Historically the Chariot is depicted as a vehicle pulled by two animals, one white and one black.

  • Visconti-Sforza A queen holding a golden globe in her hand rides in a cart pulled by two white horses. This Chariot appears as part of an allegorical parade, of a type popular in Renaissance Italy that may be the baiss of Tarot's rich imagery.

  • Marseille The Marseille card depicts a man standing on a golden chariot drawn by two horses, one black, one white. On each of his shoulders is a human face, with what looks like a cresent moon beneath it. The wagon is topped with a square canopy that is supported by four columns.

  • Pictorial Key The Pictorial Key card takes the imagery a step further by turning the horses into sphinxes. The man who drives them forward is dressed in armour and holds a sword.


The Chariot will teach me to attain objectives using new and original ideas and will give me the drive to overcome obstacles and proceed forward.

Thelema Affirmation

I am going where I need to be. The horses pull me along. I am free to think whatever I want.

Harmonious Teachings

Glory, triumph, dynamism, will, future news and surprises, success and money. The Chariot symbolises a choice, direction or goal to be pursued.

Alternative Names

Speed, Triumphal Chariot, Charioteer, Victory, Centurion, Hearse.

Card Reversals

Meanings differ depending on whether the card appears the right way up or upside down.

  • Upright

Being in the driver's seat. Taking action and knowing where you are going. Heading in the direction of choice. Assured success and victory. Racing towards a goal.

  • Reversed

Thinking only of oneself. Blockage and the inability to gain control. Difficulty making the correct choice. Finding oneself off track. Stuck or frozen.

Marseille Keywords

Triumph, travel, control, determination


To reach your goal, you need to become a master of your own means.

Conquest, travel, triumph, determination, heroism.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Read up on Inciting Action, Triumph of SPirit, Goal Setting, Voyage.

ViceVersa (Back)

The mystical side of your life journey requires attention. If you think you have been focusing on mundane details you may miss an important transition. Continue along your chosen path, but listen to your intuition more than your logic. Be aware of what was holding you back - you may not even have noticed that you are now free.

ViceVersa (Front)

It is time to take charge of your own destiny. The stars are aligned for you to step into greater personal power and make progress in your life's journey. Keep your eyes on the road and don't be distracted by trivil concerns. Things are speeding up. It's an exciting time with great potential for success.

Universal Celtic

Cu Chulainn rides headlong into battle on his chariot. He must hold on tightly to the reins during the charge or his horses will steer him away into defeat.

John Bauer

A young boy sits on top of a creature which moves forward unrestrained through a snowy landscape. The animal carries baggage on its back.

Allowing something else to guide you, moving forward, trusting the path, even when you cannot see it.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Chariot in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Decision and action are needed to get you where you want to go. Stress can be positive - allow yourself to feel it.

Work: Although you may face problems, avoid making hasty decisions. Act with care and determination.

Money: Your chosen path is the right one. To attain realistic goals, try not to give away to hesitation or return to old ways.


Answer: Hesitation can be as harmful as impetuousness, but whether you move forward or hold back depends on the situation.

Tip: If the things that we seek do not come to us, then we need to move towards them with a sense of determination and resolve.

Timing: The successful resolution of a conflict could indicate that something significant will happen within a period of seven days.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: Do not be too sure that victory is in hand. May leaders and false prophets stumble at the last moment.

Meditation: Life is an adventure, so live as if you are an explorer immersed in a strange new land to conquer and explore.

Spirituality: You are the charioteer and hold the reins. Seek the meaning of the direction you travel in and move with resolve.

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