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VI The Lovers

Choice, Love

Essential Meanings


Passion, Sexuality, Sensuality, Union, Pleasure, Desire, Attraction, Affinity, Bonding, Temptation, Romance, Heart, Body, Tension, Infatuation, Eros, Joy, Lust, Eroticism, Oath, Alliance, Decision, Pat, Alliance, Feelings, Affection.





The Lovers card is a potent symbol of our free will and the abilty we all have to choose the path - or partner - that we desire.

Two naked figures, a man and a woman, stand in a landscape where a distant volcano rises up between them.

The man looks at the woman, but the woman looks up at a flame-haired angel who presides over the scene from a cloud.

Behind the man is a tree radiating flames. Behind the woman is an apple tree around which a snake curls itself.

Contrary to how it may appear at first glance, the Lovers card does not signify the 'correct' choice. Instead, it reminds us that each option available to us comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes, the Lovers represent a rite of passage or an initiatory ordeal. On other occasions, they may indicate a test or a temptation to be resisted.

The Lovers card carries a strong emotional and sexual component. It symbolises romantic relationships, physical attraction or love at first sight. It relates to the union between lovers who have promised loyalty to one another, even when they find themselves naked and exposed to the dangers of temptation and jealousy.

Golden Art Nouveau


  • Angel

Symbol of blessings and the sancity of a higher power.

  • Tree of Knowledge

This signifies the knowledge that brings awareness, but also responsibility.

  • Tree of Life

A symbol of human nature, drive and ambition.

  • Snake

This creature suggests the naure of choice and duality, symbolising temptation and rebellion on one hand and growth and wisdom on the other.

  • Nudity

A state in which one can be completely vulnerable in the presence of another.

  • Mountain

A symbol of solitude and personal responsibility.

  • Adam and Eve

The female figure represents receptivity, while the male signifies a creative nature.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Lovers would communicate to you if they were able to express themselves in words:

'We embody the choices you make in your lofe, the union of opposites and what you attract. We represent the wave of desire and attraction you feel toward people and objects. We are the bridge of opposites. Our energy keeps humanity movign forward. Your erotuc desires, wants and needs feed creativity. Choose wisely, yearn passionately, feel everything.'


Historically, the Lovers card shows three figures - a man and a woman, with an angel floating above them.

There are variations in imagery however, depending on the Tarot deck you use.

  • Visconti-Sforza A winged, naked and blindfolded Cupid stands atop a pedestal. In his hands he holds a bow and arrow, while a lavishly dressed couple clasps hands below him.

  • Marseille Cupid flies over three figures, a man and two women. The man must choose between the two females, symbolising the doubts and uncertainties that arise when we make a choice.

  • Pictorial Key This card dshows Adam and Eve as two naked figures standing in the garden of Eden. The snake lurks behind Eve, representing the choice that she will soon make. The Tree of Life, bearing 12 fruits, stands behind Adam.


The Arcanum of the Lovers teaches me that I will find and attract other people with whom I can share my passion and find full expression.

Thelema Affirmation

We celebrate and share our love with each other. Our love blends us, so we can move forward together.

Harmonious Teachings

Harmony, union, sincere love, beauty, new relationships and associations. The Lovers emphasise the love and passion that surrounds the Querent.

Alternative Names

Love, Armour, Garden of Eden.

Card Reversals

Meanings differ depending on whether the card appears the right way or upside down.

  • Upright

Choice to be made. Love, sensuality and passion. A new love in your lofe. Excitement and pleasure. Temptation and attraction. Harmony between your inner and outer life.

  • Reversed

An affair or relationship gone sour. A break-up. Quarrels and a need to stabilise your emotions. A choice that is made out of haste or fear.

Marseille Keywords

Choice, falling in love, indecision, crossroads


Every choice involves an inevitable consequence.

Uncertainty, longing for love, free will, affection, following your heart.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Read up on Romeo and Juliet, Adam and Eve, Vice and Virtue, Cupid and Psyche.

ViceVersa (Back)

This side of the card has cooler, more balanced energy. The Lovers are alone now. There is a sense of calm rather than urgency. It should soon be easier to see where you are going and how you will get there together.

ViceVersa (Front)

This card indicates a significant relationship, the idea of choice and seeing things through another's eyes. The Lovers step towards each other. If you are facing a choice, it will be easier if your significant other understands and supports that decision. If that doesn't fit your situation, an internal dialogue with your shadow self may allow you to gain clarity.

Universal Celtic

The Celtic hero Cu Chulainn is depicted between two women, his wife Emer and his lover Fand, belonging to the Shi. Emer holds a dagger in the folds of her dress, but Fand decides to give up her beloved and return to her own world through a tree. This card symbolises the choice between marital love and adventurous love.

John Bauer

Two lovers stroll in a garden. White flowers line their path and birds fly in the sky above them. Making a choice to be together, having affection for one another, enjoying the time you have with others.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Lovers in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Romantic feelings and desire can arise as a result of your differences from someone, as well as similarities.

Work: A professional relationship should not be based on feelings of sympathy, but instead on respect and ambition.

Money: Take time to evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of a financial opportunity before making a decision. Be wary of acting too quickly.


Answer: If you are confused about whether a choice was right or wrong, remember that joy should be greater than regret.

Tip: Love can be found in unexpected places, which is why it is important to always keep your heart open. Meditation: Think about the extent to which you are free to choose. Are you really the master of your own destiny?

Money: Take time to evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of a financial opportunity before making a decision. Be wary of acting too quickly.

Timing: In the Bible, six is the number of the days it took God to create heaven and earth. A change may take place for you within six days.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: There is no need to dress up and behave a certain way to please others. Put your own happiness first.

Meditation: Think about the extent to which you are free to choose. Are you really the master of your own destiny?

Spirituality: All of us have a masculine and feminine side. Find a way to integrate both aspects of yourself in order to live in harmony.

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