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Key To The Major Arcana

Essential Meanings
These two words, expressing the core meanings of the Arcanum, are often similar, but also contain subtle differences to provide a greater understanding of the card. Use the words as a starting point in your Tarot journey, as a focus for Tarot meditation or simply memorise them. Even if you know only the Essential Meanings of the Arcana, you will still be able to read the cards.

Essential Meanings


An expansion of the Essential Meanings that can be found at the beginning of each description of the cards. The Keywords provide readers with an association of ideas, connected to the meaning of the Arcana.



Tarot cards are packed full of fascinating symbolism. Each of the cards will have full details will help you to understand every aspect of them.


Picking out the major elements in the image on the card, their meanings and interpretations, will help you understand the imagery more clearly. Use the symbols as a gateway to a deeper reading of the card and leaping-off point for further study.

What the Card Says

You must allow the Tarot to speak to you. This section helps you understand more deeply, as it expresses what the card would say to you if it were able to speak.


A quick examination of how each Arcana has been portrayed through history in some of the most important decks of all time - the Viscount-Sforza deck, the  Marseille Deck and the Pictorial Key Deck, for example.


This provides you with valuable insight into how the Arcana could teach you to look at the world, relate to others and learn more about yourself.

Repeat these affirmations. They're written from a first person point of view so the Reader and Querent can "put themselves in the card".

Alternative Names

The card may be listed under different names in other decks. This list ensures you do not lose your way when exploring new or less conventional Tarot decks.

Card Reversals

Here we give the traditional interpretations for both the upright and reversed card, providing helpful keys to unlocking the meaning of each variant. These meanings are derived from some of the oldest texts on the subject, when Tarot was concerned with looking into the future.

Summary of the meanings and qualitites of the Pre-Raphaelite Tarot Major Arcana.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana.

A summary of the meanings and qualities of the John Bauer Tarot Major Arcana

Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

As you grow familiar with and confident in the art of Tarot, thematic meanings like the ones listed below become an integral part of your readings and help you address specific types of questions.

Personal Life

These meanings refer to specific areas of your life that are personal to you.

Love: Matters relating to romance, love and interpersonal relationships.

Work: Your work, colleagues and the path your career may take.

Money: Connected to business, finance and economic matters in general.


Answer: This can be taken as an answer to a question when the Arcana is drawn.

Tip: A suggestion on behaviour and attitude.

Timing: How to interpret the Arcana as an answer to a question that starts with the word 'When'

Psyche and Soul

These meanings refer to the themes of psychological and spiritual exploration.

Self-Esteem: How to improve your idea of the self and how you value yourself.

Meditation: How and on what to focus in order to harness the energy of the cards.

Spirituality: Providing a vision of the spiritual aspects of the Arcana.

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