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IX The Hermit

Enlightenment, Withdrawal

Essential Meanings


Isolation, Retreat, Introversion, Solitude, Experience, Ancient Truth, Pilgrimage, Silence, Philosophy, Guide, Quest, Reflection, Sagacity, Austerity, Humility, Prudence, Meditation, Search, Old Master, Self-Reflection, Self-Sufficiency.





A potent symbol of isolation and aintrospection, the Hermit can teach us how to reflect on ourselves and the world around us.

The Hermit is a conservative figure - he always moves with caution, weighs his options carefully and does not jump to make judgements or hasty decisions. He abandons vanity, with no interest in dress, appearance, wealth or power. Focusing on the substance of things, he contemplates peace in his isolation. Those who look to him respect his silence and regard him as a master.

The Hermit's self-imposed solitude is not based on fesr or being anti-social. Instead, isolation is an active choice, a way of examining his place in the world. How can one listen without first seeking the silence? How can you know another person if you do not know yourself? The Hermit moves away from the noise of the world to look within himself. He does not merely collect facts, but strives to understand everything that he sees.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Hood

This element of the Hermit's clothing expresses his ability to maintain secret thoughts and renounce his own identity.

  • Beard

Indicates the wisdom of old age and the rejection of all forms of vanity.

  • Lantern

This symbolises the inner light illuminating the road ahead, the continuous quest for knowledge and enlightenment.

  • Staff

Like a shepherd's crook, the HErmit's staff indicates his willingness to lead others. It is alos a pathfinder, working with the lantern to provide clear vision.

  • Cloak

The Hermit's simple clothing emphasises his humility and focus on what lies within, rather than outward appearances.

  • Shoes

These indicate Karma, reminding us that there are consequences to every step.

  • Landscape

The desolate environment is a symbol of the Hermit's solitude.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Hermit would communicate to you if he were able to express himself in words:

'I represent your ability to examine an cultivate spiritual truth, to study and analyse knowledge. It is easy to become so distracted that you forget yourself. Only you can know you. Renew yourself through reflection and observation, Once you are aware of inner truths you can bring the light of your knowledge to others. You lead and teach others by example. I am the ancient master. I am always here to guide you.'


Traditionally, the Hermit has been represented as an old man with a white beard, carrying a lantern and leaning on a walking stick. However, you will find certain differences in the card's imagery depending on which Tarot deck you are using.

  • Visconti-Sforza This version of the card portrays the Hermit as a representation of Father Time, holding an hourglass. As a personification of time itself, he stands as a symbol of the fleeting nature of existence and the role of time in revealing the truth.

  • Marseille The Marseille Hermit holds a lantern out before him, representing the light of wisdom that he shines onto the path ahead.

  • Pictorial Key This Hermot stands on high ground, looking down. Mountain peaks are visible in the background and a six-pointed star glows inside the figure's lantern.


The Arcanum of the Hermot will teach you to rediscover the joy of tranquillity, meditation, prayer and gratitude.

Thelema Affirmation

I shine my light to see the path I am on. It also lights the way for others who seek my wisdom.

Harmonious Teachings

Introspection, wisdom, prudence, isolation, modesty, humility, foresight. The Hermit represents a state of solitude or meditation.

Alternative Names

The Hunchback, Old Man Time, Father Time, Grim Reaper.

Card Reversals

The Hermit is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).

  • Upright

Looking inward, retreat from distractions. Rejection of other's opinions, detachment from material things, and search for the truth. A need for quiet, solitary time.

  • Reversed

Running away from fears or responsibilities. Excessive need of others. Ignoring the truth. Isolation or loneliness holding you back.

Marseille Keywords

Solitude, wisdom, detachment, research


You need to shed light on the past to evolve in the future.

Crisis, wisdom, loneliness, poverty, asceticism, contemplation.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Read up on Cronus, Father Time, Sage, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Sophos, Philosopher, Senex, Odin, Yogi

ViceVersa (Back)

There is a lot going on under the surface, with secrets starting to emerge. Some are things you have hidden and can no longer avoid. If you don't seek experiences, they can come and find you, as the crab and dogs from the Moon card have here. There are people who can live their lives without the pursuit of wisdom, but this card says you are not one of them.

ViceVersa (Front)

It's time for solitude. There is something bigger than the trappings of the everyday world that needs to be addressed. You retreat for two purposes - to gain perspective and to make it difficult for others to reach you. Be sure your interactions with people who intrude on your solitude are meaningful.

Universal Celtic

An elf is collecting fireflies for his lantern. On the ground, there are signs of the Triskell, representing the energy of the earth. The elf is wise and knows that the wisdom of the world is also present in small creatures in nature.

John Bauer

A young maiden stares out into a starry night. She wears a green laurel with seven white candles, the flames of which burn high into the air. Trust in your own knowledge, be prepared for the next step, and make yourself ready to lead the charge.



Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Hermit in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Patience is an essential skill that will help to clarify a situation better than an argument.

Work: Meditate before acting and shine a light on all aspects of an enterprise before you take it on.

Money: Decide to make solid investments and endeavour to be prudent in the long-term.


Answer: Sometimes isolation is necessary. A temporary retreat provides respite for mind and soul.

Tip: Clarify your goals before plotting your strategy. Make sure you know what you really want.

Timing: It may take a long time for a resolution to be reached, but much will be gained from it.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: It takes more than courage to look inside oneself than to address what lies on the outside.

Meditation: Search the silence within yourself to hear what the world wants to say to you.

Spirituality: Nurture your soul in order to find your path to enlightenment.

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