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IV The Emperor

Domain, Authority

Essential Meanings


Leadership, Pride, Domination, Responsibility, Solidity, Order, Power, Government, Father Figure, Rationalism, Rigidity, Precision, Dominion, Discipline, Command, Experience, Organisation, Law, Conservative, Inflexible, Tradition, Advantage, Sovereignty, Supremacy, Constriction, Overlord, Paternal





Representing masculinity, order, power and control, the Emperor rules over others through his discipline and experience.

A stable reference point, the Emperor enjoys rules and working towards concrete goals. He deals in the immediate present, taking what is before him at face value and addressing practicalities. In society, he is a civil or military authority, an administraor, guardian or guarantor, reflecting action aimed at strategic and rational activities. He can also be seen as the older man, senior boss or higher achiever. The Emperor has the power to command others. His authority expreses itself through intermediaries, emphasing his detachment. He is rarely personally involved in a sitaution, choosing to dictate from afar. His authority extends through the material realm, while the spiritual realm belongs to the Pope/Hierophant.

The Emperor represents the idea of government, the presence of authority and a beneficial higher power. He symbolises assertiveness, creative energy, directed action and troubleshooting. The Emperor is the ultimate paternal figure and father archetype. But he is also about strategy, structure, focus and discipline, which is liberating. He is the grand architect of the universe.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Crown

This represents the domination of will and power over emotions and instincts.

  • Throne

Made of strong, thick stone, the austere throne signifies solidity, stability and concrete authority - as well as raw strength.

  • Sceptre

The circle and cross symbolise the Emperor's power over the material world, as well as being an embodiment of his masculinity.

  • Mountains and Desert

Mountains are rigid and permanent, signifying the EMperor's unyeilding power. The desert - with small streams running through it - indicates an abstemious, austere demeanour, with an element of empathy.

  • Rams' Head

These are symbolic of the Emperor's connection with the zodiac sign of Aries and the planet Mars. They represent strong will and the power of creation.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

If the Emperor could speak, this is what he would say:

'I am the part of you creating habits, patterns and learned behaviour. Together, we form opinions on the world and express our knowledge. I power your decisions, values and judgements. I help you restore order after periods of uncertainty and endow you with stability. I am your drive, ambition and will to take action. I am the part of you that has the skill and energy needed to build empires. I give shape to an otherwise unruly existenece. I am you. Together, we manifest solid change.'


The Emperor has changed little over the course of the centuries. He is normally depicted sitting on a royal throne. Usually drawn with a beard and moustache, he is often wearing robes - but in some decks, he wears a suit of armour and has a shield. The Emperor sits upright, in ready defence of his realm, typically holding an orb, sceptre or wand in his hand.

  • Visconti-Sforza Like the Empress's robes, the Visconti Emperor's garb bears the three-ringed symbol of the Sforza family.

  • Marseille The Emperor is seen in profile against a rural backdrop. He wears an austere and mature expression. His shield displays the image of an eagle - an emblem of protection.

  • Pictorial Key This card shows the Emperor in a suit of silver armour, fully covered by his royal robes. His grey stone throne is decorated with rams' heads, the symbol of the zodiac sign Aries. The Arcanum of the Emperor will teach me to regulate my emotions in order to become effective, stable, focused and a strong source of support for myself and others.

Thelema Affirmation

I am the law in this land. You will follow what I say. What lies beyond can wait.

Harmonious Teachings

Male power, authority, control, power, security, reason, tyranny.

Alternative Names

The Father, the High King

Card Reversals

The Emperor card tells a different story depending on which way up he appears.

  • Upright

Leadership, rigid control, concrete stability. The fruits of your labout. A powerful ally. Father figure. Setting boundaries and defending them.

  • Reversed

Sudden shock. Relinquishing power. Loss of control or temper. Loss of material possessions. Confusion on how to proceed. An authority figure spinning out of control.

Marseille Keywords

Stability, authority, practicality, determination


Master your emotions and you will have the world in your grasp.

Authority, leadership, stability, order, security, sound governance, tyranny.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

Father, Zeus, Mars, Monarch, Tsar, Chief, Mogul, God, Creator, Giant, Tyrant.

ViceVersa (Back)

You bear your responsibilites well and you can be justifiably proud of what you have accomplished. However, the strictness with which you go about your duties is taking a toll on you. Not everything has to be set in stone, so leave room for growth and change. If you are afraid to face the darker parts of yourself, you won't be able to help others with their darkness.

ViceVersa (Front)

The Emperor differs from his Empress in terms of how they rule over their realms. She is the nurturer of life, so for her the present moment is key. He looks towards the future, however - both immediate and long-term. The Emperor builds things to last beyond his lifetime. When this card comes up, consider your legacy. How would you like to expand your influence? What do you want to leave behind?

Universal Celtic

He sits on a throne carved from a tree with deep roots, binding him to the earth and its people, and representing the material world. In his hand the Emperor holds a burning spear. This is the Slea Bua, an invincible lane, one of the four mythical objects inherited from Tuatha.

John Bauer

A large troll with a dark beard and wearing chain mail leans over a child who raises up a golden crown in her right hand. A small gathering of figures look on. Authority, having the courage to stand up and face your fears, asking for what you desire.


Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Emperor in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: Old feelings will return with renewed passion. It is important to state what you want.

Work: You can enjoy your victories but continue to look forward and seek exciting new horizons.

Money: Help those in need. Money is a power too great to subdue those who possess it.


Answer: Protect and reinforce what you hold dear. Make stable what is unstable.

Tip: You can express your power and authority in a way that is co-operative and friendly.

Timing: The number four indicates closure. Something important is soon to be brought to a conclusion.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: The ego can be satisfied without being boosted.

Meditation: A realisation must follow an agreement. Everything has value when accepted by others.

Spirituality: Choose your role model wisely. Work on yourself as though sculpting a masterpiece from a block of stone.

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