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I The Magician

Will, Ability

Essential Meanings


Hesitation, Head overruling Heart, Planning, Apathy, Stupidity, Seriousness, trying to fit in, unwilling to start, Naive, Childishness, Negligent, Manic, Incomprehensible Action, Strangeness, Hiking, Pilgrimage, Thoughtlessness, Touched by Spirit, Leap of Faith





There is an infinity sign above his head and his belt is a snake biting its tail. On the table before him lie a wand, sword, cup and pentacle.

Surrounded by red roses and white lilies, the Magician raises a double-ended wand skywards while his other hand points to the ground.

In tarot reading, the Magician card embodies the essence of manifestation and conscious awareness. It signifies the realization of one's unique identity and encourages the use of intellect to shape the world around them. When the Magician appears in a reading, it symbolizes creation and the constant transformation of energies to achieve one's desires.

The next figure in your Tarot journey is the Magician, a craftsman, talented young artist and morally ambiguous figure. This character is admirable for this extraordinary mental abilities, physical coordination and supreme self-confidence. At the same time, however, it is hard to truly trust the Magician, as he can be a trickster who confuses you with his sleight of hand. The Magician's real strength is his ability to tackle any situation with a light touch, thanks to his skills of imagination and improvisation.

He shines due to his willpower and ability to adapt, grow and connect the spiritual with the material. In many decks, he is depicted as dominating the elements, with his table laid with the symbols of the four Tarot suits: a baton (representing Wands and Fire), a chalice (Cups and Water), a disc (Pentacles and Earth) and a knife (indicating Swords and Air). The symbol of infinity hangs above the Magician's head, echoing the knot in his belt. The flowers and foliage, meanwhile, represent his growing ambition and ability to quickly conjure up magic.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Wand

Shaped like a candle burning at both ends, this is a symbol of Fire, desire and power. It is an instrument of magic that allows the Magician to channel energy from above the Earth below, encompassing both the spiritual and the mundane.

  • Lemniscate

A sideways figure-of-eight shape representing infinity, indicating the ability to think in all directions.

  • Tools

The cup symbolises the element of Water, or knowledge; the sword is the symbol of Air, or courage; the pentacle is the element of Earth, or secrets of nature. Their presence on the table before the Magician acts as a reminder that what you need is always right in front of you.

  • Table

This is the plane of reality that the Magician manipulates using his tools. The legs of the table are the four worlds in which he acts: physical, intellectual, spiritual and emotional.

Symbolism of the Rose and Lily

The rose and lily on the Magician card carry significant symbolism. The rose, a feminine symbol, represents the Magician's passion for life, emergence of self, and the physical senses. The lily, with its masculine attributes, symbolizes purity, truth, humility, and the Magician’s pursuit of spiritual knowledge.

Symbolism of the Number 1

Associated with the number one, the Magician is the first numbered card of the Major Arcana. This number signifies individuality, creativity, originality, unity, power, knowledge, and birth. The Magician’s connection to the number one underscores his link to divine consciousness. In a tarot reading, he represents the union between the spiritual and physical realms, acting as a conduit for divine energy.

The Masculine Energy of the Magician

The Magician is the masculine counterpart to the High Priestess, who represents feminine energy. As a masculine figure, the Magician is all about action and exploration. Unlike the inward-focused High Priestess, the Magician seeks to understand the external world, driven by curiosity and a desire to uncover its mystical secrets. His aim is to master his surroundings using the knowledge he acquires.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Magician would communicate to you if he were able to express himself in words:

'I am the power through which you make yourself known to the universe. You and I are conduits who make the bridge from the spiritual to the material. We manifest together and change the world by igniting, challenging and manipulating it. We have everything we need before us. I am your power of intention. You are unstoppable when you claim your power and I am here to show you how. Let's make magic together.'


Historically, the Magician is shown at a table, dressed in sumptuous clothing. In one hand he holds a wand, while his other tools lie before him.

  • Golden Art Nouveau Standing in a position of complete mastery and dressed in ceremonial robes, this Magician has become a channel for vital energy. Flowers bloom around him, while the symbols of the Tarot suits await his touch. 

  • Visconti-Sforza This Magician sits behind his table on a golden box. He wears red and green clothing and on his face is an expression of seriousness and contemplation, while he works with a delicate touch.

  • Marseille The Marseille Magician takes a standing position behind his table. His clothing is colourful, and a lemniscate forms the brim of his hat. He works outside, with nature springing at his feet.


The Arcana of the Magician will teach me to take action, leading me to discover and cultivate new talents and abilities that I didn't know I had.

Thelema Affirmation

I compel these instruments to float. I am in complete control of my world.

Harmonious Teachings

Skill, constancy, inventiveness, creativity, self-confidence, power, will. The Magician transforms the spark into action.

Alternative Names

The Juggler, Magus, Shaman, Diviner, Wizard, Conjurer, Prophet, Exorcist, Warlock, Alchemist, Occultist, Guru.

Card Reversals

The Magician is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).


The creation of something new and the ability to make things happen. Charisma, mastery, power and energy.


Thwarted energy, weakness and inability to make a decision. Silence, depression, listlessness and blocked energy. Hiding natural talent.

Marseille Keywords

Beginning, skill, charisma, cunning


You have a myriad of talents with which to start you ascent.

Initiative, initiation, talent, astuteness, mastery

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

The Trickster Energy, Shakespeare's Prospero, Hermes, Apollo, Merlin.

ViceVersa (Back)

This is a crucial moment for your endeavour, a time when new creations is trying to push through. Deepen and pull your energy inward. One of the tenets of magic is 'keeping silent' - if you find your endeavours are stalling or not progressing at the pace you wish, move into the silent dark space within yourself and focus. Magic requires concentration and freedom from distractions. The power is there, but you must bring it forth yourself.

ViceVersa (Front)

Magic is the power to change reality by will. The Magician channels the natural forces of magic that are all around us. He isn't necessarily a more magical person than anyone else, but he has dedicated himself to honing his powers and skills. He believes in his abilities and it is this belief that makes the magic possible.

This card's message is that you have everything you need to make desired changes in your life or excel at any undertaking - but you must believe to make it real.

Universal Celtic

A druid performs a ritual before a stone table on which there lies a goblet, a pentacle and a sickle. He holds a staff that emits light from one end. These are the symbols of the Minor Arcana (Cups, Pentacles, Swords and Wands). Behind him is the head of a deer, the symbol of the seasons.

John Bauer

Three dark birds perch on the shoulder, neck and head of a figure kneeling on the ground. The creature looks to its right, with one hand resting on the hilt of a blade. Assessing the situation, knowing the right moment to strike, being guided by a higher hand, self-control.



As The Alchemist

'The Instigation of Transformation' Making big changes; having all the resources necessary; knowing how to manipulate and control a situation; the spiritual and mundane world reflecting each other; channelling the divine; intention, energy.

Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Magician in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring.

Personal Life

Love: The Magician represents the beginning of a friendship, emotional relationship or attempt at seduction.

Work: The appearance of the Magician is an indication of skills, as well as the ability to mimic them.

Money: Drawing the Magician card indicates an ability to use money in a rational way, but not always being honest with oneself or others in pursuit of a goal.


Answer: The Magician tells you that time is of the essence, so act quickly, but take care as you do.

Tip: The presence of the Magician card in a reading advises you that knowledge, will, daring and silence will allow you to obtain what you want.

Timing: As he belongs to the number one, the Magician indicates the beginning of something.

Psyche and Soul

Self-Esteem: Avoid too much exuberance, as overconfidence in your ability can lead to mistakes.

Meditation: Clear your mind of all prejudice and preconceived notions. Instead, try looking at things from a different point of view.

Spirituality: You will find many paths to enlightenment, but in order to follow them you must behave honestly and honourably.

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