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0 The Fool

Innocence, Journey

Essential Meanings


Folly, Inexperience, Potential, Beginning, Adventure, Playfulness, Freedom, Originality, Occasional Carelessness, Action, Travel, Beginning, Wandering, Essence, Visionary, Naivety, Originality, Foolishness, Restlessness, Rash Actions, Frivolousness.





The Fool Tarot Card is one of the most significant cards in the deck, representing the beginning of the journey through the Major Arcana. As the first card, the Fool symbolizes the start of our personal development and life’s adventures. He embodies the child within us and serves as the hero of the Tarot story. When the Fool appears in a reading, he represents the soul’s need for growth and the continuous pursuit of enlightenment. He encourages us to stay true to our hearts and follow our own paths, wherever they may lead.

It's time to meet the first figure in your Tarot journey - number zero, The Fool. This irrepressible character has no need of discipline, conventions or habits, preferring to plunge head first into situations with no regard for limits or boundaries. Usually, he appears in cards as a beggar, but he may also be a handsome prince, who has left a life of wealth behind to make his own fortune, invisible to the crowd.

He represents spontaneity, joy and enthusiasm and does not care about his appearance or what other people think of him. The Fool symbolises freedom - to love, to travel, to think. At the same time, however, the Fool Mirrors the misery of the human condition. He is the ultimate outsider who enters and exits on his own terms, representing freedom.

Golden Art Nouveau

  • Feather

This indicates passion, vitality, lightness of mind and innocence. It can also be seen as a symbol of success or overcoming an obstacle (a 'feather in his cap').

  • Bag

The bag carried by the Fool represents the experiences and lessons, both good and bad, that everyone carries with them - their 'baggage'.

The bag the Fool carries holds his early memories and unused knowledge. As he journeys through life, he collects experiences and wisdom, which are stored in the bag. This accumulated knowledge shapes his identity and unique perspective of the world.

  • Clothing

This symbolises the Fool's extravagant and unconventional personality, as well as indicating his connections to nature.

  • Animal

The dog at the Fool's feet represents instinct, a powerful impulse that can help you overcome obstacles and dangers, but at other times, may place you in danger. It can symbolise forces attempting to hold you back, pushing you into the unknown, or the deep loyalty of another.

The dog by the Fool’s side is a trusted ally, symbolizing our instincts and gut reactions to potential dangers. It reminds the Fool, and us, of the risks ahead and represents our internal guidance system, which helps us navigate through life’s uncertainties.

  • Zero

The Fool is uniquely associated with the number zero, which holds profound symbolic significance. Zero represents pure consciousness, the state of being present without ego. This is the first stage of development, where one becomes aware of oneself as separate from the mother and pure unconscious existence. Zero signifies new beginnings and endings, highlighting the cyclical nature of the Fool’s journey and our own life experiences.

  • The Cliff

The cliff the Fool treads upon symbolizes his fall into human form and the beginning of self-awareness. He is innocent, unbiased, and unaware of the world's dangers, representing both optimism and recklessness. In tarot readings, the cliff symbolizes leaps of faith and reminds us of divine intervention and our connection to a higher power.

  • The White Rose

In the Fool’s hand is a white rose, symbolizing purity and the soul. The white rose represents the Fool’s childlike innocence and untainted perspective of the world. It reminds us to treasure the child within and to approach life with purity, excitement, and a carefree attitude.

Radiant Wise Spirit

What the Card Says

This is what the Fool would communicate to you if he were able to express himself in words:

'I am the essence of your spirit before you came to be. I am your complete potential in the material world and contain all the seeds of your talent, unique gifts and qualities. There are no limits except those that you place upon yourself. Every moment is a chance to begin anew. Don't be frightened to take a step forward, as you will always be protected. Do not be afraid of my recklessness - instead, embrace fresh air, new chances and unimagined possibility. Take my hand and we shall leap together.'


Traditionally, the Fool is depicted either as a ragged beggar or a court jester, although it is worth noting that different decks do have different meanings.

  • Golden Art Nouveau His upturned face lit by the Sun, this Fool looks optimistic. He walks towards the edge of a cliff, showing no sign of nerves. The striking aspect of this card is the regeneration of the cliff that he stands on; as he moves forward, so does the ground beneath him.

  • Visconti-Sforza The Visconti card shows the Fool as a beggar. His clothing is tattered, and his feet are bare, while the feathers in his hair may have a connection to the Christian period of Lent. A look of madness plays across his face.

  • Marseille This Fool is a strangely dressed jester who walks with a stick. He and the Radiant Wise Spirit Fool both carry bags. A wild dog or cat scratches at his torn trousers and leg.


The Arcana of the Fool teaches you to look at the world as children do, with innocent eyes, an open heart and an attitude that welcomes adventure and play.

Thelema Affirmation

I emerge from the arch behind me, ready to see the world. I go alone and I am in awe of what I see.

Harmonious Teachings

Foolishness, restlessness, rash actions, naivety, frivolousness.

The Fool is the origin, vital breath, spark.

Alternative Names

The Joker, Jester, Madman, Fugitive, Entertainer, Lunatic or Innocent.

Card Reversals

The Fool is read differently whether drawn upright or reversed (upside-down).


A fresh start, the beginning of something new. Sheer and utter potential. You can begin again, to travel to new paths and be free from worry and responsibility.


Thoughtless action, negative choices and being stuck in the same place unwilling to move or try new things.

Marseille Keywords

Enthusiasm, freedom, adventure, madness


Freedom is intoxicating but it comes at a heavy price.

Instinct, madness, chaos, innocence.

Further Exploration

Studying the subjects listed will help you to gain a greater understanding of the Arcana:-

The Trickster, Joker, Folly, April Fool's Day, Spirit of Lent, Wild Cards, Shakespeare's Falstaff and Clowns.

ViceVersa (Back)

Something good is on the horizon, though you may not know yet what it is. Where you are heading will be better than where you've been, so don't be afraid to continue along this path. Trust your instincts and be guided by them, remaining aware of signs that may be portentous. These don't have to be as obvious as a comet - sometimes the smallest changes can be enough to alter your trajectory in a meaningful way.

ViceVersa (Front)

Rather than doing what seems reasonable, logical or safe, the Fool opts to take a leap of faith. Though success is the outcome he hopes for, it is the leap itself that matters most.

The Fool goes from one experience to the next in a serendipitous way. Every turn along his path adds to his wisdom.

Choose to be bold and foolish if you want to make progress on your own path.

Universal Celtic

A leprechaun walks on a rainbow with a mushroom on his shoulders. He represents a carefree spirit, the joy of life, a touch of madness that adds spice to our lives.

John Bauer

Sitting on a grassy patch of land, the Fool enjoys the warmth and an afternoon snack, his pack by his side.

New beginnings, enjoying the moment, giving in to what you desire.



'The Infinite Possibility of Chaos' Potential; the chaos before actuality; new beginnings; innocence and naivety; childishness; taking on the first steps on a long journey: a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; newness; the blank slate; innate joy in life.

Golden Art Nouveau
Radiant Wise Spirit
Viceversa (Front)
Viceversa (Back)
John Bauer
Universal Celtic
Thematic Meanings

More advanced meaning can be read when you draw the Fool in a reading, depending on the subject you are exploring

Personal Life

Love: The Fool can represent extreme idealism or alternatively total indifference.

Answer: The Fool may indicate the emergence of an idea, trip or new acquaintance that could change the situation.

Self-Esteem: The Fool advises you to control emotional excesses, like self-pity or vanity, as they can be self-destructive.


Work: This card suggests talent, invention and creative tension, but also a tendency to be lazy and detached.

Tip: The card suggests you to try to strike a balance between idealism and rationality by looking for hidden meanings and being honest.

Meditation: Work on building a space within yourself that is free of worry and fill it with positivity.

Psyche and Soul

Money: The appearance of the Fool may point to a relationship of love or anger characterised by irrational spending or saving.

Timing: Belonging to the number zero, the Fool's time is indefinable, unpredictable and unexpected.

Spirituality: The card encourages you to nurture your soul by loving others; selfishness, vanity and greed, on the other hand, can be damaging.

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